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Levi grew up in the Tongue River Valley and graduated from Tongue River High School in 2005. He learned a lot about being a great parent through his mother, Granny D. She sacrificed much in order to give him the opportunities to excel in school, sports, life, and grow in his Christian Faith.

After Levi returned to the Sheridan area from college, two nurses from the hospital set Levi and Melissa up on a blind date. They met on the corner of Alger and Main and the rest is history. Melissa will tell you it was love at first sight and Levi will say he still can’t believe Melissa chose him! They were married in 2009.

The Dominguez family welcomed their first son, Will, into the world in 2010 and their second son, Brody, in 2012. They are your typical Wyoming family who loves the outdoors spending time with friends and family. Their favorite activities are spent fishing in the mountains, camping, dirt biking, bird hunting with their dog, Dudley, and skiing together as a family. Levi and Melissa enjoy watching Will and Brody flourish in their school activities and playing baseball. The family’s greeting on their front door reads, “If we don’t answer, check the ballfield!”

Levi’s ability to find the right balance between family and work was quickly recognized by his peers within the Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office and other law enforcement professionals throughout Wyoming. Levi was selected in 2016 by the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy to teach “Family Survival” to all graduating peace officers and their families. Family Survival addresses the hardships law enforcement families may face throughout a career in public safety and how to plan and prepare for those hardships. Levi still teaches Family Survival and has taught over 500 Wyoming Peace Officers and their loved ones.

Levi will tell you his family always comes before anything else and they are the true blessings within his life. Someone’s title or achievements throughout their career will come and go, but family should be a constant that never fades. For that very reason, Levi’s goal is to be seen and remembered every day as “Melissa’s husband and Will and Brody’s father.”

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